VS Code

Docker mounts wayland-0 on Windows

Recent versions of the "Dev Containers ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers" extension introduce a new setting. This setting tries to detect whether it can mount a socket "wayland-0". This detection fails with fedoraremix. The setting below disables this detection and removes the automatic mount from the docker command that starts the container.

    "dev.containers.mountWaylandSocket": false

Clean Up

Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $env:LOCALAPPDATA\vscode-sqltools\
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $env:USERPROFILE\.vscode\
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $env:APPDATA\Code
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $env:USERPROFILE\.vscode


Using `git worktree`


  1. code (Private)
  2. container (Private)
  3. containers (Private)
  4. docker (Private)
  5. kb
  6. vscode (Private)
  7. wayland (Private)