
Creating an environment manually

  1. SecurityGroup [SG] alb-sg
    • allow tcp/80 from
    • allow tcp/443 from
  2. SecurityGroup alb-2-app-sg
    • allow tcp/80 from self
    • allow tcp/443 from self
  3. TargetGroup [TG]
  4. LoadBalancer [LB] (pointing to TargetGroup)
  5. LaunchTemplate [LT]
  6. AutoScalingGroup [ASG]
    • add to sg alb-2-app-sg
    • register ASG with TG
    • use Default version from LT

Using a custom image

  1. create separate instance
  2. connect via SSH
  3. install nginx
  4. in EC2 create image
  5. modify LT to use new image
  6. start instance refresh

Add a database

  1. SG app-2-db
  2. create instance
  3. copy connection information around
    • follow Using a custom image to recreate image and renew instances

  1. AWS AutoScaling


  1. architecture (Private)
  2. kb