Junior Level

Lead / Mentor
Scope of Responsibility
Job Ambiguity
Job Complexity


  1. You have collected some experience in the workforce.
  2. You will receive well-defined tasks that carry some risk.
  3. You will be able to work on well-known tasks and recognize where you have a development potential for new topics.
  4. You can work without supervision or guidance and you will be able to make good decisions when to ask for help, supervision or guidance
  5. You will not have responsibility roles
  6. You will receive regular formal training and be able to influence your training plan

  1. We do not expect you to fix errors, or analyze complex situations, that were caused by others.
  2. We are happy if you approach your peers to help out or learn how to analyze unknown situation or fix error situations not caused by you
  3. We do expect you to fix error situations that happened during your own work.
  4. We will provide an adequate training plan for you and allow for options that you are especially interested in
  5. We want you to work in a safe environment and will provide some guidance to help you progress your career
