IT Career Path

The job level will become increasingly more complex and unclear as you progress thru your career. This means that you can start with a lot of guidance and help. You will not have to carry the weight of resonsibilities and in turn we ask you to not take decisions without checking back. As you progress thru your career, you will carry more responsibilities and in turn you can take more decisions without checking back. We will trust you in your decision making abilities and we will trust you bring in peers from other areas as you see fit.

Entry Level

Lead / Mentor
Scope of Responsibility
Job Ambiguity
Job Complexity


  1. You are new to the workforce.
  2. You will take care of well-defined tasks that carry no or little risk.
  3. Your work will be to familiarize yourself with routine tasks and minimize error levels or recognize error situations.
  4. You will not have to work without guidance or supervision
  5. You will not have responsibility roles
  6. You will receive regular formal training

  1. We do not expect you to fix error situations or analyze complex situations if you encounter this situation we will guide you and provide help.
  2. We are happy if you do reach out to analyze situations and will help you in progressing your knowledge and skill level.
  3. Everyone makes mistakes, as an Entry Level and you will never be responsible for your mistakes, we consider this a failure on our side and gave you a task that is outside of your level of expertise.
  4. We will provide an adequate training plan for you
  5. We want you to work in a safe environment and will provide full guidance at every step.

Junior Level

Lead / Mentor
Scope of Responsibility
Job Ambiguity
Job Complexity


  1. You have collected some experience in the workforce.
  2. You will receive well-defined tasks that carry some risk.
  3. You will be able to work on well-known tasks and recognize where you have a development potential for new topics.
  4. You can work without supervision or guidance and you will be able to make good decisions when to ask for help, supervision or guidance
  5. You will not have responsibility roles
  6. You will receive regular formal training and be able to influence your training plan

  1. We do not expect you to fix errors, or analyze complex situations, that were caused by others.
  2. We are happy if you approach your peers to help out or learn how to analyze unknown situation or fix error situations not caused by you
  3. We do expect you to fix error situations that happened during your own work.
  4. We will provide an adequate training plan for you and allow for options that you are especially interested in
  5. We want you to work in a safe environment and will provide some guidance to help you progress your career

Staff Level

Lead / Mentor
Scope of Responsibility
Job Ambiguity
Job Complexity


  1. You have experience in the workforce.
  2. You will receive tasks that carry risk.
  3. You will be able to work on well-known tasks and learn about new topics in a self-guided way.
  4. You will be able to choose tasks for your Entry Level or Junior Level colleague that they can finish successfully or without help when given appropriate guidance.
  5. You are taking the first steps towards a responsibility role.
  6. In this role you will be able to take care of a system including all its components for the whole lifecycle. You will be able to influence local systems and take care of their availability. This includes domain specific1 and organizational tasks.

  1. We do expect you to be able to help peers with less experience to analyze error situations and help them fix these situations.
  2. We expect you to be able to work with peers outside of your team and propose solutions that are aligned with teams or colleagues from your division.
  3. We will provide guidance on networking with your peers, aligning with a broader community and communicating with colleagues outside of your domain.
  4. We are happy if you start reaching out to peers with less experience and give instructions on how to resolve specific situations
  5. We do not expect you to teach or train your peers in formal trainings.


  1. can work without supervision
  2. can have one responsibility role

  1. can learn new topics
  2. can analyze complex situations but must not be able to resolve them without help


  1. will receive some formal training
  2. will be able to influence the training plain


  1. In IT this means technical hands on, or more, tasks like: operating system, network and application configuration, scripting, programming and system design.˄

Senior Level

Lead / Mentor➖/➕
Scope of Responsibility
Job Ambiguity
Job Complexity


  1. You are an exprienced member of the workforce.
  2. You will not receive tasks from peers instead you can choose your own tasks and we trust that you will take care of chores without needing guidance.
  3. You will regularly work on tasks that carry risk and review work from your less experienced colleagues.
  4. You will teach less experienced colleagues in formal trainings and you are able to choose the right-sized tasks for them.
  5. You are able to carry out any task of your domain.
  6. You are a member of the broader community of your domain.
  7. In this role you will be assigned to take care of a system including all its components for the whole lifecycle. You will be able to influence local systems and take care of their availability. This includes domain specific1 and organizational tasks.

  1. We expect you to help your peers if they need to fix an error or analyze a situation.

  2. We expect you to provide some mentorship as part of your daily routine

    and make sure that your colleagues will work on the right topics to help them and lift their skills to a new level.


  1. can work without supervision
  2. can have one or more responsibility roles

  1. can learn new topics
  2. can teach others
  3. can analyze and resolve complex situations in detail


  1. In IT this means technical hands on, or more, tasks like: operating system, network and application configuration, scripting, programming and system design.˄


Lead / Mentor
Scope of Responsibility
Job Ambiguity
Job Complexity➕➕




  • can work without supervision
  • can have one or more responsibility roles

  • can learn new topics
  • can teach others
  • can analyze and resolve complex situations in detail

Senior Principal

Lead / Mentor
Scope of Responsibility➕➕
Job Ambiguity➕➕
Job Complexity➕➕


Lead / Mentor
Scope of Responsibility➕➕
Job Ambiguity➕➕➕
Job Complexity➕➕➕


Lead / Mentor➕➕
Scope of Responsibility➕➕➕
Job Ambiguity🌐🌐🌐
Job Complexity🌐🌐🌐


Lead / Mentor🌐🌐🌐
Scope of Responsibility🌐🌐🌐
Job Ambiguity🌐🌐🌐
Job Complexity🌐🌐🌐

  1. Entry Level
  2. Junior Level
  3. Principal Level
  4. Senior Level
  5. Staff Level